links for 2006-01-01

the importance of tags

I personally think TAGS are probably the single coolest invention of 2005. My desire in 2006 is for someone to make a program that would allow me to add tags to any and all files on my desktop. There are those who like our traditional file folder system, it’s a mirror of the sort of physical world that we live in. In other words, you take a paper or something and you put it into a file or drawer or somewhere. You can’t put it in three different places, only one place (unless it’s a paper and you make copies of it). Our computers mirror that. I have a file and unless I make a duplicate copy of it or a shortcut of it I can only put it in one folder on my desktop. I don’t like that.

That might explain why the desktop on my computer and at home are incredibly cluttered most of the time. I don’t like clicking through ten folders trying to find that file I was working with. I’d rather scan my eyes across the forth plus icons on my desktop until I see the one I’m looking for. Soon, the day will come that desktop search software (like google and MSN desktop search) will give you the ability to add tags to your files. Basically you can tag a file with whatever words best describe it (instead of putting it in the folder that best describes it). I could tag a random notepad file with: Blog, Writings, To Do, Books, and whatever else that file is related to. It would be the same as taking an object (say my keys) and putting them in my desk drawer, on the key hook, in my car, and in all my pants pockets at the sametime (think I’d lose them then?).

For now I’m trying to get the tagging features to work on my blog here. I’d like to have the tags listed so that you can click on the word and it will pull up all the entries I’ve tagged with that word. In addition, both to promote traffic and add a feature for you, I’d like to allow for you to click on a technorati link and see ALL the blogs that have mentioned that particular tag. The trick is getting everything to work the way we’d like it too.

Technorati Tags: , ,

Need a different banner

So, I’ve decided to stick with the ever cooler K2 default layout.  I really like the overall look.  K2 has definitly been a cool addition to my WordPress layout.  I’m sure it’s been a place of annoyance for many of you.
You’ve seen I’m sure that I’m an addict for tweaking things.  I stay up late into the night to add some cool new twist on a site, or elsewhere.  I probably should try to do this in moderation.

Anyways, what I’m looking for now is some suggestions for my banner up top.  I like the blue currently, but I’d really like to go for something different.  Maybe partly blue with a picture from my flickr account on the right, or maybe one of those cartoonized pictures of me, or something else.  Any suggestions send them my way.

Congrats to KIPP Academy

About 8 months ago I applied for a job as an office manager at KIPP Academy in Nashville.  I had a phone interview with the Principal, and then only employee, of the new school that would be opening in the fall of 2005.  Randy Dowell was a really nice guy and the interview went incredibly well, at least I thought so. 
A couple weeks later I found out that I did not get the job, nor was I qualified to apply for the other jobs available there.  I must say I was really disappointed about it, but I gather myself together and moved on.  I hoped to live in the area near the school and maybe help out there, but things worked out differently.

Today I saw that the Nashville Scene had given the honor of Nashvillians of the Year to the teachers and students at KIPP Academy.  I wish I could have been a part of the effort and excitement that went in to making that possible.  Regardless, I’m extremely excited to see and hear about the students exceling at that school and hopefully really getting a good and solid education.

“I learned my lesson that fighting will not get me nowhere but all locked up or on the streets somewhere,” he continues. “When I started coming to KIPP, Mr. Dowell told me I didn’t need to fight, that it won’t get me nowhere…. I have changed, because I’m getting ready to go to college.” Look for him, sometime in, say, 2014 to be the starting quarterback at Vanderbilt University, where he says he hopes to study.

peddling my shirts on the street?

I’m considering trying to sell my shirts from out of my backpack during the Passion Conference starting January 2nd. I really would like to sell off the rest of my shirts, and I have a good feeling folks would pay $5 a shirt.

I’m not sure if it’s entirely legal to sell my shirts there so we’ll just have to maybe wing it and see how it goes. Maybe I could make some really captivating “tracks” to hand out to folks going to and from the conference. Any wild and crazy ideas?

Some Recent Writings…

Fair Trade at the Supermarket Article 850 Words of Relevant Article
So I recently wrote an article for about Fair Trade. It’s evoked a bit of discussion in the comments section.

Sometime later today another article of mine should be posted concerning New Years Resolutions. What’s exciting about that article is that it was rewritten by one of the Relevant Editors and was featured as the main article on 850 Words of Relevant, Relevant’s Email Newsletter. I’m VERY excited about this as it means thousands of subscribers just had an article with my name on it emailed directly to them. You can’t buy that kind of promotion.

If you’ve come to this site after reading either of those articles, welcome. Please do take a moment and post a comment below, or drop me an email.

[Fair Trade at the Supermarket]

Bigger is better

For those who don’t know I currently have all entries on this website reposted onto a account. There are a couple of reasons for this, the main one being that I have a LOT of friends that use Xanga and this makes it much easier for them to read my writings. Second, this does spread the word and hopefully promote what I write a little bit.

Why the “Bigger is Better” title? Cause I saw’s start page a while back and they had a big font on it and I really liked it. So, today I decided to make my Xanga like that. Let me know what you think.

[AriahFine’s Xanga]

[Big is in] via